General Info and Expectations


I.M.P.A.C.T. is a Christian co-op, offering classes for children ages birth through high school, with a particular goal of maintaining a high standard of academics in upper grades. 

We meet at Taylor Creek Church in Maple Valley on Mondays from 8:35am until 2:30pm throughout the school year. Our day is broken into five class periods plus Chapel and a lunch break. The school year is broken into two semesters, meeting approximately 29 Mondays throughout the year. We meet from early September until just after Thanksgiving, and then from January until the end of May.

Spiritually, our goal is to provide an environment that fosters growth in faith through Christian based teaching, weekly chapel time, and encouragement of a servant heart toward one another.

Socially, we include activities such as outings, a few group class projects, plus additional special activities for high school students, including an annual graduation ceremony, with the goal that students develop lasting friendships with one another.

When registering for I.M.P.A.C.T., you are choosing to make Monday attendance a priority. Families must be in attendance for at least three class periods plus Lunch and Chapel time, plus be committed to working together on either a set-up or tear-down job. Each attending parent also helps on one activity committee each year.

The vision of this co-op is academic, therefore parental support is vital. You will be assigned a job for each hour you are attending classes, and may be called on during the year if additional help is needed. Parents must remain on campus with their students.

Except for the first year in attendance, parents are expected to contribute to the co-op by teaching or co-teaching a class.

Registration is typically in April for returning member families. Annual fees for attendance are $255 for 2025/2026 (registration, building rent, insurance) + Class Fees, which are due in full at the time of registration. An additional amount to cover the building insurance may be due mid Fall, after we receive the updated rates.


Sample Class Schedule
